Does your vehicle make you feel like a bobble-head after hitting a bump or one of the numerous potholes in the General Pittsburgh area?
If this sounds familiar, then it’s time to have your suspension and steering system examined by a trusted mechanic.
At Lombardi Auto Body our mechanics look at all the components that make up those systems such as struts, shocks, control arm bushings, ball joints, coil springs and steering linkage.
This is just a friendly reminder that every vehicle owner should have their steering and suspension checked out on a periodic basis as you hit major milestones.
Occasional maintenance will extend the life of your vehicle and not leave you stranded on the side of the road. The best time to inspect your steering and suspension include:
- Most car manufacturers recommend inspecting each system at every 50,000 miles
- Annually – regardless of miles – age deteriorates rubber and hydraulic parts
- When tires are replaced – worn parts can reduce tire life
- When your brake system is serviced
- When oil and filter is changed a visual inspection should be performed
- If you observe fluid leaking where you park
- Any time your vehicle is in for routine service and the steering and suspension is accessible
- When you feel that your car exhibits any irregular control or handling characteristics
The steering and suspension systems are a major part of the safe operation of your vehicle. Make sure you take your vehicle to an experienced and knowledgeable mechanic, like Lombardi Auto Body.